SEEDS Schedule

Below is the schedule we followed for our SEEDS 2016-2017 Experiment in Cookeville, TN, among 7 churches:

SEEDS SCHEDULE (Explanation of Terms):
  • Train: This includes the introductory training retreat that will be held 5-8PM (Dinner Provided), May 22nd at the Wesley Chapel at TTU: 271 E 9th St, and the Manna and Mercy training retreat July 15-16th at Ebenezer Acres in Cookeville, TN.
  • Consult: This is when we will place SEEDS Staff through a one-on-one consultation with each church.
  • Party: These parties will be a celebration of our shared experience with SEEDS. Churches will gather to celebrate through dancing and fun and a brief leader check-in, ending in May with a celebration of our shared experience. The January Party will be held during the Warmth in Winter Tennessee youth conference, respecting that event schedule and not conflicting with it.
  • Check-in:  We will evaluate the SEEDS Youth Cooperative throughout the process with brief check-ins for leaders at parties.  Upon completion of the SEEDS Youth Cooperative, the District will reevaluate and move forward accordingly, reviewing measurable outcomes, setting future goals, or moving on.  SEEDS should look different within different contexts, just as literal seeds grow differently in different soils and require differing attention per a change in environment, climate, and condition.
  • SEEDS: This is the 9-month time frame for the 2-part SEEDS Youth Cooperative (Manna and Mercy Pocket Guide and SEEDS Meeting Manual) to be enacted in the local church youth ministry in the morning and evening.
  • Air Monastery: Air Monastery is an optional 6-day opportunity for students and leaders to practice creativity in mindful silence as a collective group, spending 6 days observing varying amounts of silence, ending with a party to celebrate the start of a new year and our shared experience.  Some may observe 10 minutes of silence each day, some may commit to 1 hour each day, and some may choose to commit to 7-hour silences for those 6 days.  This is a time to be observed separately and individually for the sake of committed time of promoting what brings us life: writing, drawing, reading, running, walking, biking, creating, woodworking, playing basketball, etc., in the observed times of silence following monastic practices in convents and monasteries of prayer and work. 


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